Sunday, February 15, 2009

SESB? Sabah Everyday Sure Blackout...

So sad to say this "a big organization with a bad reputation" and in Sabah it is synonym to SESB. Do you agree? Why am i say so? SESB or Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd. is the one and only company that build, manage and provide electricity services all around Sabah. But pity them cause recently there were many complaints especially on how they tackle or running their services ineffeciently. That day i saw this TV1 programme if im not mistaken the programme called "limbai". It was a very interesting programme since it was a discussion between SESB and CASH representatives. I was attracted by the CASH representative when voicing disagreement on the IPP using charcoal to produce and supply electricity power and maybe open somewhere in Sandakan area. Are we going backward or we going toward? There are alternatives such as solar and wind to produce electricity and it is more environmental friendly. But why to choose charcoal? Amazing... quoting to what the SESB representative said that the number of power produce nowdays is not enough since the number of housing and shoplot increasing maybe reasonable and acceptable, but that is not the reason to make an agreement with the charcoal IPP. Hope they realize the environmental effects to the locals. Come on wake up SESB!


ආගන්තුකයා said...

Such a nice blog. Keep Blogging.

admin said...

thx :)

Anonymous said...

sabah no hope, 1st is power 2nd is streamyx !!!